Location Details

3005 Pearland Parkway Pearland, TX 77581

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Next Events

Men’s Prayer Meeting

A dedicated group of men meet each Saturday morning to pray together, and they would love for you to join them. E-mail admin@parkwaychurch.com to find out more.

Change for Life – Baby Bottle Distribution

Change for Life is a simple way to make a difference in the lives of families facing a crisis pregnancy. On Mother’s Day (May 12th), pick up a baby bottle from the Connection Center. Fill it up with spare change and return it by Father’s Day (June 16th). All funds go directly to the Crisis Pregnancy Center to assist mothers and fathers who are choosing life for their babies. Your change can truly change a life!

Connections Class

Are you interested in discovering what Life Groups are all about, but aren’t sure where to begin? If so, then our Connections Class is for you! Join us for a 4-week class beginning April 21st that will guide you through the purpose of Life Groups at Parkway and how you can connect with one that is right for you. You can RSVP now and we will contact you with additional information closer to the class start date.

Life Groups

What are Life Groups? They are Bible studies and so much more! When you join a Life Group, you’ll be part of a community of people who seek to know God better through His Word and seek to share life with each other. A Life Group is a place to belong, to build relationships, and to realize the purpose God has for your life. We have groups that meet on Sunday mornings at Parkway Church, and groups that meet in…


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